Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
17/10/2016 Obducat Technologies AB Charlotte Beskow Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Obducat Technologies AB ser. B SE0000514705 14/10/2016 1,325 Quantity 7.55 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 Obducat Technologies AB Charlotte Beskow Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Obducat Technologies AB ser. B SE0000514705 14/10/2016 3,425 Quantity 7.50 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 Sivers IMA Holding AB CARIN JAKOBSSON CFO Acquisition teckningsoptioner SE0003917798 13/10/2016 195,000 Quantity 0.30 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 Sivers IMA Mats Carlsson CTO,CTO Acquisition Teckningsoption SE0003917798 13/10/2016 80,000 Quantity 0.30 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 Alteco Medical AB Hans Petersson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Alteco Medical BTA SE0005620408 12/10/2016 33,332 Quantity 1.50 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 NIBE Industrier AB Georg Brunstam Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription NIBE Industrier AB BTA B SE0009163678 14/10/2016 228 Quantity 48.00 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 Immunovia AB Mats Grahn VD Acquisition IMMNOV BTA SE0009155336 14/10/2016 2,425 Quantity 87.00 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 Elanders AB CAROLINE EKELUND SUNDEWALL Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription Elanders AB BTA ser. B SE0008991590 17/10/2016 1,666 Quantity 80.00 SEK Notification
17/10/2016 NIBE Industrier AB Niklas Gunnarsson Annan befattning Yes Subscription NIBE Industrier AB BTA B SE0009163678 12/10/2016 6,400 Quantity 48.00 SEK History Notification
17/10/2016 NIBE Industrier AB NIKLAS GUNNARSSON Annan befattning Subscription NIBE Industrier AB BTA B SE0009163678 14/10/2016 54,857 Quantity 48.00 SEK History Notification
Showing 135771 to 135780 of 138441 result