Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
07/09/2016 MSC Group AB Lars Bertil Save VD Yes Gift received MSC Group AB UR SE0008963425 06/09/2016 38,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB PER BERGVALL Anhörig Acquisition Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB SE0000722365 05/09/2016 9,000 Quantity 9.80 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB PER BERGVALL Anhörig Acquisition Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB SE0000722365 31/08/2016 4,200 Quantity 10.40 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Holmen AB Frank Sören Olof Petersson affärsområdeschef Disposal Holmen AB ser. B SE0000109290 07/09/2016 300 Quantity 308.50 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Senzime ULF LINDSKOG Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Senzime 06/09/2016 35,000 Quantity 4.50 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Senzime ULF LINDSKOG Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Senzime 06/09/2016 528 Quantity 4.46 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Svenska Bostadsfonden 14 AB Tord Magnusson Styrelseledamot/suppleant och Fastighetschef Yes Subscription Svenska Bostadsfonden 14 SE0008213326 07/09/2016 2 Quantity 50,000.00 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Investor AB Petra Hedengran ledningsgruppsmedlem Exercise decrease personaloption 07/09/2016 1,500 Quantity 308.00 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 DGC One AB David Giertz Större ägare Acquisition DGC One AB SE0002571539 06/09/2016 7,784 Quantity 137.75 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Botnia Exploration Holding AB JOHAN NORMAN Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Botnia Exploration Holding AB SE0002939892 07/09/2016 50,000 Quantity 2.85 SEK Notification
Showing 136941 to 136950 of 138441 result