Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
27/09/2016 Tikspac AB LARS ÅKE SÖDERGREN Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Tikspac AB BTA SE0008964076 23/09/2016 172,335 Quantity 2.30 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Tikspac AB LARS ÅKE SÖDERGREN Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Tikspac AB SE0005307048 23/09/2016 30,000 Quantity 3.60 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 G5 Entertainment AB Stefan Wikstrand Vice VD,Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Teckningsoption 2016/2019 27/09/2016 10,000 Quantity 1.05 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Collector AB PIA-LENA OLOFSSON Ekonomi/finanschef Subscription Collector BTA SE0008991616 27/09/2016 9,725 Quantity 55.00 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Collector AB PIA-LENA OLOFSSON Ekonomi/finanschef Subscription Collector BTA SE0008991616 27/09/2016 344 Quantity 55.00 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Collector AB PIA-LENA OLOFSSON Ekonomi/finanschef Disposal Collector TR SE0008991608 27/09/2016 5 Quantity 6.35 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Stockwik Förvaltning AB Rune Rinnan Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal Stockwik Förvaltning AB SE0001159344 23/09/2016 4,000,000 Quantity 0.0552 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Stockwik Förvaltning AB Rune Rinnan Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal Stockwik Förvaltning AB SE0001159344 23/09/2016 2,573,246 Quantity 0.054 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Stockwik Förvaltning AB Rune Rinnan Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal Stockwik Förvaltning AB SE0001159344 26/09/2016 6,145,751 Quantity 0.0524 SEK Notification
27/09/2016 Tikspac STEFAN ARVIDSSON VD Subscription tiks se0005307048 23/09/2016 27,000 Quantity 67,500.00 SEK Revised Notification
Showing 138431 to 138440 of 140560 result