Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
23/03/2022 R-Venture AS Karl-Anders Grønland Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition 24SevenOffice Group AB Share SE0010546911 22/03/2022 496,461 Quantity 9.80 SEK Notification
23/03/2022 MBRS Group Christian Rasmussen Member of the Board of Directors Subscription MBRS Group BT BTA SE0017564321 23/03/2022 155,165 Quantity 8.00 SEK Notification
23/03/2022 Sun4Energy Group AB Mattias Leijon Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Sun4 Share SE0016609911 22/03/2022 4,300 Quantity 22.52 SEK Notification
23/03/2022 Catella AB Stefan Mathias De Maré Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Acquisition Catella AB ser. B Share SE0000188518 23/03/2022 2,000 Quantity 43.50 SEK Notification
23/03/2022 CombinedX AB (publ) Niklas Hellberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Subscription CombinedX AB (publ) Share SE0012065589 23/03/2022 200 Quantity 42.00 SEK Notification
23/03/2022 Mannax AB Per Anders Törnberg Member of the Board of Directors Subscription MBRS Group BTA SE0015194832 21/03/2022 1,216,752 Quantity 8.00 SEK Revised Notification
23/03/2022 Northgold AB Mitchell Vanderydt Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Subscription Northgold AB Share SE0017131071 23/03/2022 8,620 Quantity 11.60 SEK Notification
23/03/2022 CombinedX AB (oubl) Björn Magnusson Other senior executive Yes Acquisition Aktier Share SE0012065589 23/03/2022 572 Quantity 42.00 SEK History Notification
23/03/2022 CombinedX AB (oubl) BJÖRN MAGNUSSON Other senior executive Acquisition Aktier Share SE0012065589 23/03/2022 572 Quantity 42.00 SEK Revised Notification
23/03/2022 C SECURITY SYSTEMS AB Robert Tejme Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition C Security Share SE0005991981 23/03/2022 1,000,000 Quantity 0.094 SEK Notification
Showing 40131 to 40140 of 126987 result