Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
22/03/2022 Solnaberg Property AB (publ) Christian Krüeger Member of the Board of Directors Intra-group transaction decrease Solnaberg Property AB Share SE0009155211 18/03/2022 50,000 Quantity 165.00 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Solnaberg Property AB (publ) Christian Krüeger Member of the Board of Directors Intra-group transaction increase Solnaberg Property AB Share SE0009155211 18/03/2022 50,000 Quantity 165.00 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB Peter Egelberg Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Yes Acquisition Phase Holographic/SE0005504636 Share SE0005504636 21/03/2022 3,250 Quantity 7.994775 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB Peter Egelberg Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Yes Acquisition Phase Holographic/SE0005504636 Share SE0005504636 21/03/2022 3,000 Quantity 7.98 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Sun4Energy Group AB Per Norrthon Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Sun4Energy Group Share SE0016609911 22/03/2022 1,290 Quantity 22.60 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB Patrik Eschricht Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Acquisition Phase Holographic Share SE0005504636 21/03/2022 1,701 Quantity 7.98 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Greater Than AB Helena Norrthon Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Greater Than AB Share SE0005881554 16/12/2021 854 Quantity 117.00 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Acarix AB Thomas Lundstroem Other senior executive Allotment Acarix AB Option SE0009268717 22/03/2022 100,000 Quantity 0.65 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Investment Aktiebolaget Spiltan Per Börjesson Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Investment AB Spiltan Share SE0013382546 22/03/2022 6,000 Quantity 241.00 SEK Notification
22/03/2022 Acarix AB Marianne Noerskov Other senior executive Allotment Acarix AB Option SE0009268717 22/03/2022 200,000 Quantity 0.65 SEK Notification
Showing 40141 to 40150 of 126968 result