Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Elisabet Olin Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 21/02/2022 42,250 Quantity 142.49 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Charlotta Liljefors Rosell Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 18/02/2022 40,250 Quantity 148.39 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Charlotta Liljefors Rosell Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 21/02/2022 42,250 Quantity 142.49 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Charlotte Liliegren Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 18/02/2022 40,250 Quantity 148.39 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Charlotte Liliegren Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 21/02/2022 42,250 Quantity 142.49 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Klas Holmgren Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 18/02/2022 40,250 Quantity 148.39 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Klas Holmgren Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 21/02/2022 42,250 Quantity 142.49 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Fred Grönwall Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 18/02/2022 40,250 Quantity 148.39 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 Fabege AB Fred Grönwall Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition Fabege AB Share SE0011166974 21/02/2022 42,250 Quantity 142.49 SEK Notification
21/02/2022 AcadeMedia AB Lise-Lotte Oldmark Other senior executive Subscription AcadeMedia AB teckningsoption 2021/2025 Subcription warrant 18/02/2022 45,000 Quantity 4.41 SEK Notification
Showing 43031 to 43040 of 127500 result