Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
25/07/2024 Sandvik AB Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Sandvik AB Share SE0000667891 25/07/2024 18,746 Quantity 214.5595 SEK Notification
25/07/2024 Hexagon AB Brett Watson Member of the Board of Directors Yes Return of loan increase Hexagon AB ser. B Share SE0015961909 25/07/2024 1,500,000 Quantity 0.00 USD Notification
25/07/2024 Hexagon AB Brett Watson Member of the Board of Directors Yes Exercise decrease Forward Derivative Contract Other derivative contracts 25/07/2024 1,500,000 Quantity 0.00 USD Notification
25/07/2024 Hexagon AB Brett Watson Member of the Board of Directors Yes Excercise self-issued instrument Hexagon AB ser. B Share SE0015961909 25/07/2024 500,000 Quantity 12.1394 USD Notification
25/07/2024 Leading Edge Materials Corp. Eric Krafft Member of the Board of Directors Subscription Leading Edge Materials Corp. Share CA52171T1003 23/07/2024 13,000,000 Quantity 0.10 CAD Notification
25/07/2024 Leading Edge Materials Corp. Eric Krafft Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Leading Edge Materials Corp. Share CA52171T1003 24/07/2024 500,000 Quantity 0.10 CAD Notification
25/07/2024 Leading Edge Materials Corp. Eric Krafft Member of the Board of Directors Subscription warrant 2028 Warrant 23/07/2024 13,000,000 Quantity 0.00 CAD Notification
25/07/2024 Leading Edge Materials Corp. Eric Krafft Member of the Board of Directors Disposal warrant 2028 Warrant 24/07/2024 500,000 Quantity 0.00 CAD Notification
25/07/2024 ADDvise Group AB (publ) STAFFAN BERNSTEIN TORSTENSSON Chairman of the Board of Directors Disposal ADDvise Group AB ser. A Share SE0001306119 25/07/2024 610,000 Quantity 15.00 SEK Notification
25/07/2024 ADDvise Group AB (publ) STAFFAN BERNSTEIN TORSTENSSON Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition ADDvise Group AB ser. B Share SE0007464862 25/07/2024 1,500,000 Quantity 5.86 SEK Notification
Showing 71 to 80 of 132970 result