Search PDMR transactions


Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
07/06/2024 Serstech AB Märta Lewander Xu Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Serstech AB Share SE0005365095 05/06/2024 62,500 Quantity 1.4707 SEK Notification
07/06/2024 Serstech AB Märta Lewander Xu Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Serstech AB Share SE0005365095 05/06/2024 62,500 Quantity 1.485 SEK Notification
07/06/2024 Serstech AB Märta Lewander Xu Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Serstech AB Share SE0005365095 05/06/2024 66,666 Quantity 1.50 SEK Notification
07/06/2024 Serstech AB Märta Lewander Xu Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Serstech AB Share SE0005365095 05/06/2024 35,760 Quantity 1.5572 SEK Notification
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 result