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Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
06/07/2023 Gapwaves AB Marcus Hasselblad Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Gapwaves AB B Share SE0009155518 03/07/2023 15,000 Quantity 22.85 SEK Notification
19/06/2023 Gapwaves AB Madeleine Schilliger Kildal Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition GAPW B Share SE0009155518 19/06/2023 67 Quantity 23.45 SEK Notification
19/06/2023 Gapwaves AB Madeleine Schilliger Kildal Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition GAPW B Share SE0009155518 19/06/2023 440 Quantity 23.85 SEK Notification
19/06/2023 Gapwaves AB Madeleine Schilliger Kildal Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition GAPW B Share SE0009155518 19/06/2023 67 Quantity 23.90 SEK Notification
19/06/2023 Gapwaves AB Madeleine Schilliger Kildal Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition GAPW B Share SE0009155518 19/06/2023 982 Quantity 23.95 SEK Notification
19/06/2023 Gapwaves AB Madeleine Schilliger Kildal Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition GAPW B Share SE0009155518 19/06/2023 2,610 Quantity 24.00 SEK Notification
30/06/2022 Gapwaves AB Karl Olof Axelsson Member of the Board of Directors Subscription Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Gapwaves AB Option 30/06/2022 20,000 Quantity 7.18 SEK Notification
28/06/2022 Gapwaves AB Marcus Hasselblad Other senior executive Subscription Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Gapwaves AB Subcription warrant 28/06/2022 30,000 Quantity 5.18 SEK Notification
28/06/2022 Gapwaves AB Jonas Ehinger Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Gapwaves AB Subcription warrant 27/06/2022 40,000 Quantity 7.18 SEK Notification
27/06/2022 Teckningsoptioner serie 2022/2025 Gapwaves AB Madeleine Schilliger Kildal Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Teckningsoptioner serie 2022/2025 Gapwaves AB Subcription warrant 27/06/2022 24,300 Quantity 5.18 SEK Notification
Showing 11 to 20 of 76 result