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Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
05/09/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Mark Beveridge Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Subscription Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 31/08/2023 27,621 Quantity 5.75 SEK Notification
05/09/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Nikolaj Arrild Sørensen Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 30/08/2023 13,377 Quantity 5.75 SEK Notification
05/09/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Anna Helena Constance Ljung Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Subscription Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 04/09/2023 3,536 Quantity 5.75 SEK Notification
01/09/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Anders Lundmark Member of the Board of Directors Subscription Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 30/08/2023 64,800 Quantity 5.75 SEK Notification
01/09/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Kerstin Valinder Strinnholm Chairman of the Board of Directors Subscription Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 30/08/2023 15,466 Quantity 5.75 SEK History Notification
01/09/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Anna Helena Constance Ljung Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Subscription Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 30/08/2023 13,118 Quantity 5.75 SEK Notification
31/08/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Kerstin Valinder Strinnholm Chairman of the Board of Directors Subscription Moberg Pharma AB BTU BTU SE0020678969 30/08/2023 15,466 Quantity 5.75 SEK Revised Notification
24/08/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Anders Lundmark Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Moberg Pharma AB UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0020678951 22/08/2023 904,988 Quantity 0.05963 SEK Notification
24/08/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Anders Lundmark Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Moberg Pharma AB UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0020678951 23/08/2023 517,508 Quantity 0.04837 SEK Notification
24/08/2023 Moberg Pharma AB (publ) Anders Lundmark Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Moberg Pharma AB UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0020678951 24/08/2023 180,000 Quantity 0.04956 SEK Notification
Showing 1 to 10 of 93 result