Search PDMR transactions


Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
05/10/2023 PolarCool AB Mats Vilhelm Forsman Member of the Board of Directors Subscription Polarcool BTU BTU SE0020848513 02/10/2023 70,363 Quantity 0.75 SEK Notification
04/10/2023 Polarcool Håkan Lennart Samuelsson Member of the Board of Directors Subscription PolarCool BTU SE0020848513 02/10/2023 175,000 Quantity 0.75 SEK History Notification
04/10/2023 Polarcool Håkan Lennart Samuelsson Member of the Board of Directors Subscription PolarCool BTU SE0012570422 02/10/2023 175,000 Quantity 0.75 SEK Revised Notification
04/10/2023 PolarCool AB Gustaf Frithz Chairman of the Board of Directors Subscription PolarCool BTU BTU SE0020848513 02/10/2023 103,226 Quantity 0.75 SEK Notification
04/10/2023 Polarcool Håkan Lennart Samuelsson Member of the Board of Directors Allotment PolarCool BTU SE0012570422 02/10/2023 175,000 Quantity 0.75 SEK Revised Notification
04/10/2023 PolarCool AB Erik Andersson Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Subscription PolarCool BTU BTU SE0020848513 02/10/2023 89,703 Quantity 0.75 SEK Notification
18/09/2023 PolarCool AB Gustaf Frithz Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition PolarCool UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0020848505 18/09/2023 100,000 Quantity 0.019 SEK Notification
30/08/2023 PolarCool AB Gustaf Frithz Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition Polarcool AB Share SE0012570422 29/08/2023 3,383 Quantity 0.26 SEK Notification
30/08/2023 PolarCool AB Gustaf Frithz Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition PolarCool Share SE0012570422 30/08/2023 7,000 Quantity 0.24 SEK Notification
29/08/2023 PolarCool AB Gustaf Frithz Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition PolarCool Share SE0012570422 29/08/2023 16,540 Quantity 0.28 SEK Notification
Showing 1 to 10 of 57 result