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Publiceringsdatum Emittent Person i ledande ställning Befattning Närstående Karaktär Instrumentnamn Instrumenttyp ISIN Transaktionsdatum Volym Volymsenhet Pris Valuta Status Detaljer
2024-04-24 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Joen Magnusson Styrelseledamot Gåva lämnad Beijer Ref AB ser. B Aktie SE0000112906 2024-04-24 2 200 Antal 0,00 SEK Anmälan
2024-03-26 Beijer Ref AB (publ) kate swann Styrelseordförande Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership) which indirectly (thru 9BP8 s a r l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in breeze topco s a r l which holds shares in Beijer ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2024-03-23 124 914 684 Antal 1,0994 SEK Anmälan
2024-01-03 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Hanna Grasso Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 2 404 401 Antal 0,8651 SEK Historik Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) David Ericsson Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 6 011 003 Antal 0,8651 SEK Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Yann Talhouet Annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 6 011 003 Antal 0,8651 SEK Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Simon Karlin Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 9 016 505 Antal 0,8651 SEK Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Jonas Steen Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 6 011 003 Antal 0,8651 SEK Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Hanna Grasso Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 2 404,401 Antal 0,8651 SEK Reviderad Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Hanna Grasso Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 4 560 000 Antal 0,8651 SEK Reviderad Anmälan
2024-01-02 Beijer Ref AB (publ) Hanna Grasso Annan ledande befattningshavare Förvärv Partnership interests in Breeze SCSp (Luxembourg special limited partnership), which indirectly (through 9BP8 S.à r.l) holds preference shares and ordinary shares in Breeze TopCo S.à r.l., which holds shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) Övriga derivatkontrakt 2023-12-28 4 160 000 Antal 0,1303 SEK Reviderad Anmälan
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