Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
01/08/2023 Investment Aktiebolaget Spiltan Casten von Otter Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Investment AB Spiltan Share SE0013382546 01/08/2023 2,000 Quantity 253.00 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 MilDef Group AB Fredrik Persson Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Mildef Group AB Share SE0016074249 01/08/2023 40,000 Quantity 86.99 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 Investment Aktiebolaget Spiltan Jessica von Otter Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Investment AB Spiltan Share SE0013382546 01/08/2023 2 Quantity 252.50 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 Investment Aktiebolaget Spiltan Jessica von Otter Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Investment AB Spiltan Share SE0013382546 01/08/2023 1,797 Quantity 253.50 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 Investment Aktiebolaget Spiltan Jessica von Otter Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Investment AB Spiltan Share SE0013382546 01/08/2023 1,351 Quantity 253.00 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 MilDef Group AB Fredrik Jacobsson Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Mildef Group AB Share SE0016074249 28/07/2023 37,250 Quantity 85.88 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 Logistea AB (publ) Michela Westin Sundberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Allotment Logistea AB TO serie 2023/2026 Subcription warrant 30/07/2023 11,852 Quantity 1.15 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 Humble Group AB Noel Abdayem Deputy CEO/Deputy Managing Director Acquisition Humble Group AB Share SE0006261046 01/08/2023 43,639 Quantity 8.084 SEK Notification
01/08/2023 Mendus AB (publ) Johannes Preusting Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Mendus AB - BTU BTU 24/07/2023 16,666 Quantity 3.36 SEK Notification
31/07/2023 Zesec of Sweden AB (publ) Per Jorlind Member of the Board of Directors Subscription Zesec of Sweden UR BTU SE0020539187 14/07/2023 1,191,755 Quantity 0.38 SEK Notification
Showing 12791 to 12800 of 126935 result