Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Sofie Arnell Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 457 Quantity 102.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Sofie Arnell Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 543 Quantity 101.40 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 Pepins Group AB Jonas Eriksson Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition Pepins Group Share SE0017564354 25/10/2022 22,080 Amount 0.492 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 Cinis Fertilizer AB Henrik Andersson Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Subscription Aktie Share SE0018040784 21/10/2022 8,620 Quantity 29.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 ProstaLund AB Sonny Ernst Gunnar Schelin Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition ProstaLund AB Share SE0002372318 24/10/2022 30,000 Quantity 3.60 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Camilla Sundqvist Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 472 Quantity 100.70 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Camilla Sundqvist Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 150 Quantity 100.80 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Camilla Sundqvist Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 322 Quantity 100.80 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Camilla Sundqvist Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 87 Quantity 100.70 SEK Notification
25/10/2022 SkiStar AB Camilla Sundqvist Other senior executive Acquisition SkiStar AB ser. B Share SE0012141687 25/10/2022 37 Quantity 100.80 SEK Notification
Showing 27961 to 27970 of 126745 result