Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
04/07/2022 Tingsvalvet Fastighets AB (publ) Sven Engwall Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Tingsvalvet UR BTU SE0018040818 28/06/2022 13,356 Quantity 300.00 SEK Cancelled Notification
04/07/2022 AegirBio AB Anders Ingvarsson Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Subscription AegirBio AB BTU BTU SE0018041683 30/06/2022 3,857 Quantity 20.40 SEK History Notification
04/07/2022 Tingsvalvet Fastighets AB (publ) Sven Engwall Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Tingsvalvet UR BTU SE0018040818 28/06/2022 13,356 Quantity 300.00 SEK Cancelled Notification
04/07/2022 Eyeonid Group AB Peter Erik Daniel Ekelund Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Eyeonid Group Share SE0007280482 01/07/2022 1,000,000 Quantity 0.139 SEK Notification
04/07/2022 Elon AB Hans-Eric Schultz Other senior executive Acquisition Elon AB Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Subcription warrant 01/07/2022 50,000 Quantity 4.47 SEK Notification
04/07/2022 Elon AB (publ). Christer Palmgren Other senior executive Acquisition Elon AB Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Subcription warrant 01/07/2022 32,000 Quantity 4.47 SEK Notification
04/07/2022 Elon AB (publ) Peter Brodén Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Acquisition Elon AB Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Subcription warrant 01/07/2022 90,000 Quantity 4.47 SEK Notification
04/07/2022 Elon AB (publ). Christian Dahlborg Other senior executive Acquisition Elon AB Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Subcription warrant 01/07/2022 50,000 Quantity 4.47 SEK Notification
04/07/2022 Elon AB (publ) Åsa Skog Other senior executive Acquisition Elon AB Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Subcription warrant 01/07/2022 31,000 Quantity 4.47 SEK Notification
04/07/2022 Elon AB (publ) Jakob Dahlner Other senior executive Acquisition Elon AB Teckningsoption serie 2022/2025 Subcription warrant 01/07/2022 31,000 Quantity 4.47 SEK Notification
Showing 33261 to 33270 of 126723 result