Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
27/10/2018 Capio AB Hans Ramel Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Capio AB Share SE0007185681 26/10/2018 399,072 Quantity 58.00 SEK Notification
26/10/2018 Capio AB Birgitta Stymne Göransson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Capio AB Share SE0007185681 26/10/2018 3,500 Quantity 58.00 SEK Notification
26/10/2018 Capio AB Henrik Brehmer Vice VD Disposal CAPIO.ST Share 25/10/2018 50,000 Quantity 58.00 SEK Notification
26/10/2018 Capio AB Henrik Brehmer Vice VD Disposal CAPIO.ST Share 25/10/2018 10,000 Quantity 58.00 SEK Notification
26/10/2018 Capio AB Gunilla Rudebjer Blomqvist Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Capio AB Share SE0007185681 26/10/2018 6,000 Quantity 58.00 SEK Notification
26/10/2018 Capio AB Michael Wolf Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Capio AB Share SE0007185681 26/10/2018 55,000 Quantity 58.00 SEK Notification
29/08/2018 Capio AB Philippe Durand Other Senior Executive (Country President) Disposal Capio AB shares SE0007185681 24/08/2018 2,657 Quantity 53.870117 SEK Notification
28/08/2018 Capio AB Philippe Durand Other Senior Executive (Country President) Disposal Capio AB shares SE0007185681 27/08/2018 23,000 Quantity 54.57726652173913 SEK Notification
27/08/2018 Capio AB Philippe Durand Other Senior Executive (Country President) Disposal Capio AB shares SE0007185681 24/08/2018 23,000 Quantity 53.50426608695652 SEK Notification
11/02/2018 Capio AB Thomas Fredrik Berglund VD Disposal Capio AB SE0007185681 09/02/2018 200,000 Quantity 44.00 SEK Notification
Showing 11 to 20 of 39 result