Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Magnus Ahlqvist Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Disposal Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 37,705 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Lance Byerly Other senior executive Allotment Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 19,810 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Lance Byerly Other senior executive Disposal Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 4,953 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Lars Martin Althén Other senior executive Allotment Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 14,073 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Jose Castejon Other senior executive Allotment Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 13,164 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Jorge Couto Other senior executive Allotment Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 15,538 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Hillevi Agranius Other senior executive Allotment Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 2,572 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Hillevi Agranius Other senior executive Disposal Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 1,415 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Henrik Zetterberg Other senior executive Allotment Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 13,708 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
12/06/2023 Securitas AB Henrik Zetterberg Other senior executive Disposal Securitas AB ser. B Share SE0000163594 11/06/2023 6,854 Quantity 85.20 SEK Notification
Showing 41 to 50 of 407 result