Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
03/05/2023 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 03/05/2023 29,216 Quantity 204.0128 SEK Notification
03/05/2023 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 03/05/2023 52,600 Quantity 203.78 SEK Notification
03/05/2023 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 03/05/2023 14,436 Quantity 204.1028 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 152,140 Quantity 179.7027 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 550,722 Quantity 178.1371 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 24,479 Quantity 179.0499 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 11,154 Quantity 178.837 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 2,719 Quantity 181.4879 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 1,187 Quantity 180.0241 SEK Notification
31/10/2022 AB Volvo Helena Stjernholm Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 28/10/2022 24,949 Quantity 178.8897 SEK Notification
Showing 41 to 50 of 796 result