Type of financial instrument | Name | ISIN code | Nature of transaction | Linked to a share option programme | Volume | Unit | Price per unit | Currency code | Transaction date | Trading venue |
Share | Starbreeze AB ser. A | SE0007158928 | Disposal | 52,246 | Quantity | 4.607685 | SEK | 15/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | |
Share | Starbreeze AB ser. B | SE0005992831 | Disposal | 603,387 | Quantity | 4.718581 | SEK | 15/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | |
Share | Starbreeze AB ser. A | SE0007158928 | Disposal | 224,609 | Quantity | 4.236358 | SEK | 16/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | |
Share | Starbreeze AB ser. B | SE0005992831 | Disposal | 1,947,858 | Quantity | 4.415824 | SEK | 16/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | |
Share | Starbreeze AB ser. B | SE0005992831 | Disposal | 1,290,000 | Quantity | 3.7513 | SEK | 19/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID |
Name | ISIN code | Nature of transaction | Transaction date | Trading venue | Volume | Weighted average price |
Starbreeze AB ser. A | SE0007158928 | Disposal | 15/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | 52,246 (Quantity) | 4.607685 SEK |
Starbreeze AB ser. B | SE0005992831 | Disposal | 15/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | 603,387 (Quantity) | 4.718581 SEK |
Starbreeze AB ser. A | SE0007158928 | Disposal | 16/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | 224,609 (Quantity) | 4.236358 SEK |
Starbreeze AB ser. B | SE0005992831 | Disposal | 16/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | 1,947,858 (Quantity) | 4.415824 SEK |
Starbreeze AB ser. B | SE0005992831 | Disposal | 19/11/2018 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID | 1,290,000 (Quantity) | 3.7513 SEK |