Type of financial instrument | Name | ISIN code | Nature of transaction | Linked to a share option programme | Volume | Unit | Price per unit | Currency code | Transaction date | Place of the transaction |
Share | Obducat B | SE0000514705 | Disposal | 401,072 | Quantity | 0.76 | SEK | 16/03/2020 | Outside a trading venue | |
Share | Obducat B | SE0000514705 | Acquisition | 401,072 | Quantity | 0.76 | SEK | 16/03/2020 | Outside a trading venue |
Name | ISIN code | Nature of transaction | Transaction date | Place of the transaction | Volume | Weighted average price |
Obducat B | SE0000514705 | Disposal | 16/03/2020 | Outside a trading venue | 401,072 (Quantity) | 0.76 SEK |
Obducat B | SE0000514705 | Acquisition | 16/03/2020 | Outside a trading venue | 401,072 (Quantity) | 0.76 SEK |