Type of financial instrument | Financial instrument | ISIN code | Nature of transaction | Linked to the exercise of a share option programme | Volume | Unit | Price per unit | Currency code | Transaction date | Place of the transaction |
Subscription right/Unit right | Mavshack AB UR 210616 | SE0005992419 | Allotment | 3,067,867 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 07/06/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
Subscription right/Unit right | Mavshack AB UR 210616 | SE0005992419 | Subscription | 3,067,866 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 07/06/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
BTU | Mavshack AB BTU | SE0016148472 | Allotment | 1,022,622 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 02/07/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
Share | Mavshack AB BTU | SE0016148472 | Allotment | 214,374 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 02/07/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
Share | Mavshack AB BTU | SE0016148472 | Subscription | 1,236,996 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 02/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
BTU | Mavshack AB TO 2 | SE0015961271 | Subscription | 1,236,996 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 02/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
BTU | Mavshack AB TO 3 | SE0015961289 | Subscription | 1,236,996 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 02/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
Subcription warrant | Mavshack AB UR210616 | SE0005992419 | Disposal | 1 | Quantity | 0.00 | SEK | 09/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | |
Share | Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Acquisition | 500,000 | Quantity | 0.131 | SEK | 15/12/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | |
Share | Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Acquisition | 367,867 | Quantity | 0.133 | SEK | 21/09/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | |
Share | Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Acquisition | 2,200,000 | Quantity | 0.18 | SEK | 28/08/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | |
Share | Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Disposal | 1,279,584 | Quantity | 0.245 | SEK | 25/08/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | |
Share | Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Disposal | 500,000 | Quantity | 0.23 | SEK | 25/08/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | |
Share | Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Disposal | 500,000 | Quantity | 0.234 | SEK | 25/08/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB |
Financial instrument | ISIN code | Nature of transaction | Transaction date | Place of the transaction | Volume | Weighted average price |
Mavshack AB UR 210616 | SE0005992419 | Allotment | 07/06/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 3,067,867 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB UR 210616 | SE0005992419 | Subscription | 07/06/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 3,067,866 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB BTU | SE0016148472 | Allotment | 02/07/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 1,236,996 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB BTU | SE0016148472 | Subscription | 02/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 1,236,996 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB TO 2 | SE0015961271 | Subscription | 02/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 1,236,996 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB TO 3 | SE0015961289 | Subscription | 02/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 1,236,996 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB UR210616 | SE0005992419 | Disposal | 09/08/2021 | Outside a trading venue | 1 (Quantity) | 0.00 SEK |
Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Acquisition | 15/12/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | 500,000 (Quantity) | 0.131 SEK |
Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Acquisition | 21/09/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | 367,867 (Quantity) | 0.133 SEK |
Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Acquisition | 28/08/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | 2,200,000 (Quantity) | 0.18 SEK |
Mavshack AB | SE0005992419 | Disposal | 25/08/2020 | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB | 2,279,584 (Quantity) | 0.23929721 SEK |