Search PDMR transactions

Name of person with notification obligation
Acri Design AB
Reason for notification
Closely associated
Person discharging managerial responsibilities
Jonas Litborn
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Initial notification
Details of amendment
Details of the Issuer/emission allowance market participant/auction platform/auctioneer/auction monitor
Name of issuer
Mavshack AB (publ)
Issuer´s LEI code
Details of transaction
Type of financial instrument Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Linked to the exercise of a share option programme Volume Unit Price per unit Currency code Transaction date Place of the transaction
Subscription right/Unit right Mavshack AB UR 210616 SE0005992419 Allotment 3,067,867 Quantity 0.00 SEK 07/06/2021 Outside a trading venue
Subscription right/Unit right Mavshack AB UR 210616 SE0005992419 Subscription 3,067,866 Quantity 0.00 SEK 07/06/2021 Outside a trading venue
BTU Mavshack AB BTU SE0016148472 Allotment 1,022,622 Quantity 0.00 SEK 02/07/2021 Outside a trading venue
Share Mavshack AB BTU SE0016148472 Allotment 214,374 Quantity 0.00 SEK 02/07/2021 Outside a trading venue
Share Mavshack AB BTU SE0016148472 Subscription 1,236,996 Quantity 0.00 SEK 02/08/2021 Outside a trading venue
BTU Mavshack AB TO 2 SE0015961271 Subscription 1,236,996 Quantity 0.00 SEK 02/08/2021 Outside a trading venue
BTU Mavshack AB TO 3 SE0015961289 Subscription 1,236,996 Quantity 0.00 SEK 02/08/2021 Outside a trading venue
Subcription warrant Mavshack AB UR210616 SE0005992419 Disposal 1 Quantity 0.00 SEK 09/08/2021 Outside a trading venue
Share Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Acquisition 500,000 Quantity 0.131 SEK 15/12/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Acquisition 367,867 Quantity 0.133 SEK 21/09/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Acquisition 2,200,000 Quantity 0.18 SEK 28/08/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Disposal 1,279,584 Quantity 0.245 SEK 25/08/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Disposal 500,000 Quantity 0.23 SEK 25/08/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Disposal 500,000 Quantity 0.234 SEK 25/08/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Transaction date Place of the transaction Volume Weighted average price
Mavshack AB UR 210616 SE0005992419 Allotment 07/06/2021 Outside a trading venue 3,067,867 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB UR 210616 SE0005992419 Subscription 07/06/2021 Outside a trading venue 3,067,866 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB BTU SE0016148472 Allotment 02/07/2021 Outside a trading venue 1,236,996 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB BTU SE0016148472 Subscription 02/08/2021 Outside a trading venue 1,236,996 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB TO 2 SE0015961271 Subscription 02/08/2021 Outside a trading venue 1,236,996 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB TO 3 SE0015961289 Subscription 02/08/2021 Outside a trading venue 1,236,996 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB UR210616 SE0005992419 Disposal 09/08/2021 Outside a trading venue 1 (Quantity) 0.00 SEK
Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Acquisition 15/12/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 500,000 (Quantity) 0.131 SEK
Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Acquisition 21/09/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 367,867 (Quantity) 0.133 SEK
Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Acquisition 28/08/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 2,200,000 (Quantity) 0.18 SEK
Mavshack AB SE0005992419 Disposal 25/08/2020 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 2,279,584 (Quantity) 0.23929721 SEK
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