Search PDMR transactions

Name of person with notification obligation
Elisabeth Vansvik
Reason for notification
Closely associated
Person discharging managerial responsibilities
Elisabeth Vansvik
Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body
Initial notification
Details of amendment
På grund av att FI:s hemsida låste sig och jag fick felmeddelande så såg det ut som att rapporten inte gick igenom. Jag fick inte heller något kvitto. Därför gjorde jag om samma rapport. Men nu verkar det ha blivit dubbelt.
Details of the Issuer/emission allowance market participant/auction platform/auctioneer/auction monitor
Name of issuer
Wallenstam AB
Issuer´s LEI code
Details of transaction
Type of financial instrument Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Linked to the exercise of a share option programme Volume Unit Price per unit Currency code Transaction date Place of the transaction
Share Wallenstam AB ser. B SE0007074844 Acquisition 3,000 Quantity 35.728 SEK 20/10/2023 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Transaction date Place of the transaction Volume Weighted average price
Wallenstam AB ser. B SE0007074844 Acquisition 20/10/2023 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 3,000 (Quantity) 35.728 SEK
Total: 3,000
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