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Name of person with notification obligation
Industrivärden Förvaltning AB
Reason for notification
Closely associated
Person discharging managerial responsibilities
Karl Åberg
Member of the Board of Directors
Initial notification
Details of amendment
Details of the Issuer/emission allowance market participant/auction platform/auctioneer/auction monitor
Name of issuer
Essity Aktiebolag (publ)
Issuer´s LEI code
Details of transaction
Type of financial instrument Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Linked to the exercise of a share option programme Volume Unit Price per unit Currency code Transaction date Place of the transaction
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 3,251 Quantity 276.2399 SEK 24/01/2025 CBOE EUROPE EQUITIES - EUROPEAN EQUITIES (NL)
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 501 Quantity 276.15 SEK 24/01/2025 CBOE EUROPE EQUITIES
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 2,510 Quantity 276.28 SEK 24/01/2025 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 9,012 Quantity 276.30 SEK 24/01/2025 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 1,391 Quantity 276.30 SEK 24/01/2025 POSIT MTF
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 1,391 Quantity 276.30 SEK 24/01/2025 TURQUOISE EUROPE
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 73,693 Quantity 276.2957 SEK 24/01/2025 GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 398,277 Quantity 276.3756 SEK 24/01/2025 TP ICAP EU - MTF
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 113,925 Quantity 276.10 SEK 24/01/2025 SIGMA X MTF
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 156 Quantity 276.10 SEK 24/01/2025 CITADEL CONNECT EUROPE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER
Share Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 95,893 Quantity 276.15 SEK 24/01/2025 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK
Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Transaction date Place of the transaction Volume Weighted average price
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 CBOE EUROPE EQUITIES - EUROPEAN EQUITIES (NL) 3,251 (Quantity) 276.2399 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 CBOE EUROPE EQUITIES 501 (Quantity) 276.15 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 2,510 (Quantity) 276.28 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE 9,012 (Quantity) 276.30 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 POSIT MTF 1,391 (Quantity) 276.30 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 TURQUOISE EUROPE 1,391 (Quantity) 276.30 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL 73,693 (Quantity) 276.2957 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 TP ICAP EU - MTF 398,277 (Quantity) 276.3756 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 SIGMA X MTF 113,925 (Quantity) 276.10 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 CITADEL CONNECT EUROPE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER 156 (Quantity) 276.10 SEK
Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 Acquisition 24/01/2025 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK 95,893 (Quantity) 276.15 SEK
Total: 700,000
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