Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
29/04/2017 Axfood AB Eva Pettersson VD Dotterbolag Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 28/04/2017 850 Quantity 139.90 SEK Notification
31/03/2017 Axfood AB Bengt Fabian Valdemar Bengtsson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 22/03/2017 750 Quantity 134.00 SEK Notification
17/03/2017 Axfood AB THOMAS GÄRESKOG VD Acquisition Aktie 17/03/2017 200 Quantity 133.70 SEK Notification
16/03/2017 Axfood AB Klas Balkow VD Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 16/03/2017 10,000 Quantity 135.08 SEK Notification
16/03/2017 Axfood AB Thomas Evertsson Vd i dotterbolag Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 16/03/2017 1,000 Quantity 134.30 SEK Notification
16/03/2017 Axfood AB Thomas Evertsson VD i dotterbolag Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 16/03/2017 1,000 Quantity 137.00 SEK Notification
22/02/2017 Axfood AB ANN CARLSSON MEYER Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 17/02/2017 2,200 Quantity 136.30 SEK History Notification
17/02/2017 Axfood AB ANN CARLSSON MEYER Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 17/02/2017 2,200 Quantity 136.20 SEK Revised Notification
17/02/2017 Axfood AB ANN CARLSSON MEYER Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Aktiebevis Svenska Aktier Lösen SE0004168524 17/02/2017 2,200 Quantity 136.30 SEK Revised Notification
10/02/2017 Axfood AB JAN LINDMARK VD Dotterbolag Acquisition Axfood 10/02/2017 850 Quantity 134.00 SEK Notification
Showing 111 to 120 of 125 result