Search PDMR transactions

Name of person with notification obligation
Ferd AS
Reason for notification
Closely associated
Person discharging managerial responsibilities
Julie Wiese
Member of the Board of Directors
Initial notification
Details of amendment
Details of the Issuer/emission allowance market participant/auction platform/auctioneer/auction monitor
Name of issuer
Boozt AB
Issuer´s LEI code
Details of transaction
Type of financial instrument Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Linked to the exercise of a share option programme Volume Unit Price per unit Currency code Transaction date Place of the transaction
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 556,683 Quantity 122.7393 SEK 08/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 1,825 Quantity 124.8243 SEK 08/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE AUCTION ON DEMAND (AOD)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 7,388 Quantity 123.7854 SEK 08/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 500 Quantity 125.20 SEK 08/02/2024 BLOCKMATCH DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 6,390 Quantity 123.3551 SEK 08/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 865 Quantity 126.1851 SEK 08/02/2024 TURQUOISE EUROPE - DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 6,103 Quantity 123.6702 SEK 08/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE ORDER BOOKS (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 848 Quantity 123.4792 SEK 08/02/2024 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 2,557 Quantity 122.9404 SEK 08/02/2024 POSIT DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 5,683 Quantity 123.4585 SEK 08/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE DARK ORDER BOOK (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 16,448 Quantity 123.6193 SEK 08/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 294,990 Quantity 127.8489 SEK 09/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 702 Quantity 129.6624 SEK 09/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 10,894 Quantity 129.934 SEK 09/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 16,689 Quantity 129.1732 SEK 09/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 10,268 Quantity 130.00 SEK 09/02/2024 TURQUOISE EUROPE - DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 1,811 Quantity 128.9082 SEK 09/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE ORDER BOOKS (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 545 Quantity 130.498 SEK 09/02/2024 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 89,247 Quantity 129.5123 SEK 09/02/2024 POSIT DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 22,529 Quantity 129.6074 SEK 09/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE DARK ORDER BOOK (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 203,449 Quantity 129.3117 SEK 09/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 3,876 Quantity 128.1601 SEK 09/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB – AUCTION ON DEMAND
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 298,678 Quantity 123.5728 SEK 12/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 2,779 Quantity 125.6482 SEK 12/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12,043 Quantity 124.00 SEK 12/02/2024 BLOCKMATCH DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 1,237 Quantity 124.5921 SEK 12/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 20,603 Quantity 126.476 SEK 12/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 274 Quantity 126.75 SEK 12/02/2024 TURQUOISE EUROPE - DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 4,606 Quantity 126.0805 SEK 12/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE ORDER BOOKS (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 699 Quantity 126.7305 SEK 12/02/2024 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 31,718 Quantity 126.2675 SEK 12/02/2024 POSIT DARK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 4,847 Quantity 125.93 SEK 12/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE DARK ORDER BOOK (NL)
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 21,345 Quantity 126.5574 SEK 12/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 1,181 Quantity 126.80 SEK 12/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB – AUCTION ON DEMAND
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 3,465 Quantity 126.258 SEK 12/02/2024 POSIT AUCTION
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 11,521 Quantity 126.7959 SEK 12/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE AUCTION BOOK
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 4 Quantity 126.60 SEK 12/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE
Share Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 4,710 Quantity 123.343 SEK 08/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE
Financial instrument ISIN code Nature of transaction Transaction date Place of the transaction Volume Weighted average price
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 556,683 (Quantity) 122.7393 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE AUCTION ON DEMAND (AOD) 1,825 (Quantity) 124.8243 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL) 7,388 (Quantity) 123.7854 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 BLOCKMATCH DARK 500 (Quantity) 125.20 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID 6,390 (Quantity) 123.3551 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 TURQUOISE EUROPE - DARK 865 (Quantity) 126.1851 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE ORDER BOOKS (NL) 6,103 (Quantity) 123.6702 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER 848 (Quantity) 123.4792 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 POSIT DARK 2,557 (Quantity) 122.9404 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE DARK ORDER BOOK (NL) 5,683 (Quantity) 123.4585 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK 16,448 (Quantity) 123.6193 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 294,990 (Quantity) 127.8489 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL) 702 (Quantity) 129.6624 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE 10,894 (Quantity) 129.934 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID 16,689 (Quantity) 129.1732 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 TURQUOISE EUROPE - DARK 10,268 (Quantity) 130.00 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE ORDER BOOKS (NL) 1,811 (Quantity) 128.9082 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER 545 (Quantity) 130.498 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 POSIT DARK 89,247 (Quantity) 129.5123 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE DARK ORDER BOOK (NL) 22,529 (Quantity) 129.6074 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK 203,449 (Quantity) 129.3117 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 09/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB – AUCTION ON DEMAND 3,876 (Quantity) 128.1601 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB 298,678 (Quantity) 123.5728 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL) 2,779 (Quantity) 125.6482 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 BLOCKMATCH DARK 12,043 (Quantity) 124.00 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE 1,241 (Quantity) 124.59857188 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB - NORDIC@MID 20,603 (Quantity) 126.476 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 TURQUOISE EUROPE - DARK 274 (Quantity) 126.75 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE ORDER BOOKS (NL) 4,606 (Quantity) 126.0805 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK EUROPE SE - SYSTEMATIC INTERNALISER 699 (Quantity) 126.7305 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 POSIT DARK 31,718 (Quantity) 126.2675 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 CBOE EUROPE - DXE DARK ORDER BOOK (NL) 4,847 (Quantity) 125.93 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE NON-DISPLAYED BOOK 21,345 (Quantity) 126.5574 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB – AUCTION ON DEMAND 1,181 (Quantity) 126.80 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 POSIT AUCTION 3,465 (Quantity) 126.258 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 12/02/2024 SIGMA X EUROPE AUCTION BOOK 11,521 (Quantity) 126.7959 SEK
Boozt AB SE0009888738 Disposal 08/02/2024 AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE 4,710 (Quantity) 123.343 SEK
Total: 1,680,000
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